What is hexadecimal number system


The hexadecimal number system is a positional numeral system that uses 16 digits to represent numbers, from 0 to 9 and A to F. It is commonly used in computer science, digital electronics, and telecommunications to represent and manipulate data.


  • The hexadecimal number system uses 16 digits (0-9 and A-F) to represent numbers.
  • Each digit in a hexadecimal number represents a power of 16, starting from 16^0 (which equals 1), then 16^1 (which equals 16), 16^2 (which equals 256), and so on.
  • The position of each digit in a hexadecimal number determines its value, with the rightmost digit representing the least significant digit (LSD) and the leftmost digit representing the most significant digit (MSD).

Mathematical Formation:

To construct a hexadecimal number, you start with the rightmost digit and assign a value of 1 if the digit is 1, 2 if the digit is 2, and so on up to 9. After 9, the digits A through F are used to represent 10 through 15, respectively. For example, the hexadecimal number 3A would be constructed as follows:

10 * 3 = 30 1 * 10 * A = 10

So the decimal value of the hexadecimal number 3A would be 30 + 10 = 40.


In digital electronics and computer science, hexadecimal numbers are used to represent and manipulate data, particularly in memory addresses and binary data. Hexadecimal numbers can be converted to decimal or binary, and vice versa, using simple conversion rules.


  1. Write down the hexadecimal number
  2. Starting from the rightmost digit, write down the powers of 16 in order (1, 16, 256, 4096, etc.)
  3. Multiply each digit of the hexadecimal number by its corresponding power of 16
  4. Add the results of each multiplication to get the decimal equivalent.


  1. Each digit of the hexadecimal number can be 0-9 or A-F.
  2. The rightmost digit represents 16^0, the next digit represents 16^1, the next represents 16^2, and so on.
  3. The decimal equivalent is the sum of the products of each hexadecimal digit with its corresponding power of 16.


To convert a hexadecimal number to decimal, you can use the formula:

d = (dn-1 * 16^(n-1)) + (dn-2 * 16^(n-2)) + … + (d1 * 16^1) + (d0 * 16^0)

where d is the decimal equivalent, dn-1 is the MSB, n is the number of digits in the hexadecimal number, and d0 is the LSD.


The hexadecimal number system is necessary for representing and manipulating binary data and memory addresses in computer science and digital electronics.


  • Computer science and programming
  • Digital electronics and telecommunications
  • Information technology and data processing
  • Cryptography and security systems
  • Image and audio processing
  • Control systems and automation
  • Finance and trading algorithms.

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