Difference B/w Active & Passive Components

Active and passive components are two fundamental types of electronic components. They have distinct electrical and physical characteristics, and also play different roles in electronic circuits. Understanding the differences between these two types of components is important for the design and analysis of electronic circuits and for choosing the appropriate components for specific applications.

1. Definition

Active components are those components that control the flow of electric current by producing, amplifying or modifying an electrical signal , on the other hand, passive components do not have the ability to control the flow of electric current, and they can only modify or store energy.

2. Energy source

Active components require a source of energy, such as a battery or an external power supply, to function. Passive components do not require an external energy source.

3. Direction of current flow

Active components can control the direction of the flow of electric current, while passive components do not have this ability.

4. Amplification

Active components, such as transistors and operational amplifiers, can amplify electrical signals, while passive components, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors, do not have the ability to amplify signals.

5. Energy conversion

Active components can convert energy from one form to another, such as converting electrical energy into mechanical energy or vice versa. Passive components do not have this ability.

6. Characteristics

Passive components have linear and predictable electrical characteristics, such as resistance, capacitance, and inductance. Active components have non-linear and complex electrical characteristics that can be influenced by various factors, such as temperature and supply voltage.

7. Power dissipation

Passive components can store energy, but they cannot generate energy. As a result, they do not dissipate power, but they may heat up as a result of energy being stored within them. Active components, on the other hand, can both generate and dissipate power.

8. Examples

Examples of active components are transistors, diodes, logic gates, and amplifiers, while passive components are resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers.

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